The Importance of End to End Encryption

Encrypted communications are everywhere, from online banking to  chat apps like WhatsApp.  Put simply, encryption scrambles a communication or data transfer to stop people other than its intended recipient from reading it if they intercept it. Today’s end-to-end encryption is … Read More

The Hosting Trilogy – Servers Storage and Bandwidth

When designing a business plan for an on demand application, you must account for the costs of the hosting infrastructure where your application’s data will be stored, served and transferred.  Imagine thousands of users utilizing the storage requirements of your … Read More

Exploring the “Moonlighting Economy”

When we talk about on-demand apps, we’re talking about them from the point-of-view of being “low barrier to entry.” Essentially, this means that the qualifications needed to be a successful seller on these apps – for example, snow shovelling on-demand, … Read More

About Bugs

Bugs! No matter how many times coders swear they will stop writing bugs, those ubiquitous creatures keep surfacing.  Even with layers of testing defenses, inevitably, bugs make it into production, where users can experience them.  The solution?  Have contingency plans … Read More


Is your app ready for the future?  We’re talking about scalability, which refers to your app’s ability to handle the increasing demands of a growing user-base and integrate the new features and updates it will need to stay relevant. Test … Read More

Excelling as a Seller in the On-Demand Space

How do you price and market your services as seller in an on-demand platform?  If you’re in the same marketplace as hundreds of other home-repair contractors who fix decks, clean eavestroughs and change light fixtures, what separates you from the … Read More

Platforms for your App

What platforms should I build my on-demand app on? When it comes to developing any kind of mobile app, it’s very important to remember that each platform that you want to release your app on is going to require a … Read More

A Crash Course in the Importance of App Metrics

Tracking your app’s performance including your user’s engagement, satisfaction and acquisition are critical to measuring its success.  Let’s take look at these metrics and how you can make your app’s data work for you. User Engagement User Engagement metrics disclose … Read More

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