Managing Service Providers in Your On-Demand App

Why it is critical to have the right Service provider partners?

Owning and running an on-demand app is more than a full-time job; it’s a business.   An owner of a traditional business would want to be involved in key decisions such as hiring, potential locations and their suite of services or products.  An on-demand app is no different.

Let’s say you’re interested in creating an on-demand app that lets users hire handymen for work around the house – i.e. landscapers, cleaners, exterminators etc…  An home services app would aim to provide users with common, high-demand services in a consistent and uniform manner.  To accomplish this,  you would need manage your service providers within your on-demand marketplace.

Vetting Service Providers

Implementing a vetting process for new service providers is essential.  You need to ensure each new seller is offering a service that’s consistent with your app’s offerings and that they meet safety and competency criteria so they can fulfill orders successfully and without issues.  Your app’s reputation is on the line and your service providers are your brand ambassadors.  Finally, make sure you have enough service providers to ensure you are comfortable with rejecting or bad apples – learn more about finding service providers and onboarding service providers.

Each service provider will be responsible for completing their profile including imagery and descriptions of themselves and their services.  This responsibility should be shared by the app owner who needs to ensure each listing for each service/product fits the overall look and feel of the app or you run the risk of creating customer confusion.

It’s easy to fall into a routine and letting any sellers join or allowing them to submit any info they want, but this is a recipe for failure.  While it may feel as if you’re just creating work at times, service-provider management is a key component of platform’s success.


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